Category 2011 Music

Hillfolk Noir

Hillfolk Noir Supplies Opening Night Soundtrack Eastern Oregon Film Festival is pleased to announce Boise, Idaho’s Hillfolk Noir as our festival kick off band Thursday, October 20th at the Granada Theater with a little pre-screening Junkerdash — then again as…

Sons of Guns

Eastern Oregon Film Festival will kick off Friday night’s after party with La Grande’s own Son of Guns. The band has just released a new album ‘Oregon Slogan’ and is primed to bring the new material to the table. “Sons…


Long time La Grande musicians Wayne Callahan and Jeff Grammer bring their most recent project / band ‘Elidila’ (pronounced elah – dee – lah) to the table. Elidila is wrapping up their first West Coast tour – playing with the…

Finn Riggins

Finn Riggins will be honoring EOFF again this year with their increasingly rich musical escapades.  Eastern Oregon Film Festival welcomes the Riggins’ to 2011 with the Official Selection stamp (as seen on their photo below. 🙂  La Grande has been…

Gregory Rawlins

Gregory Rawlins In a world of quick fixes and shock value, one-hit wonders and weekly online sensations, it is a rare treat to hear a songwriter like Gregory Rawlins, a poet whose words are both whittled from the sturdy oak…

Atomic Mama

There is nothing we love more than having new (and might I add, mind-blowingly swell) music groups getting a taste of La Grande – and in return letting us taste them (maybe that came out poorly). Regardless – Eastern Oregon…

Jared Mees & The Grown Children

Eastern Oregon Film Festival is plump with excitement to announce our final 2011 Official Music Selection – hailing from the tenderest parts of Portlandia — Jared Mees & The Grown Children. Jared Mees, at the helm of both the band…