Great things are happening for this year’s flagship event. EOFF’s board of directors and festival director are currently engaged in the hq project, initial programming opportunities, launching the call for entries (opens May 24), and celebrating with #EOFF2016 members and hq donors on Tuesday with a potluck! We hope that in three swift steps that EOFF2017 begins its drive to October.

STEP 1: On Monday, May 22, there will be a presentation to the Urban Renewal Agency and Urban Renewal Advisory Commission at 5:30pm at La Grande’s City Hall.

This Special Session has been scheduled for the sole purpose of considering Funding for the Revitalization Incentive Program (Call for Projects), in which Cold Coffee Media has applied to match our valiant fundraising efforts.

Feel free to come attend, wear an EOFF shirt, and listen to the pitch and show your support!

STEP 2: On Tuesday, May 23 hq will (hopefully) receive the approved Conditional Use Permit to allow for construction to move forward.


STEP 3: Join us for a gathering to usher in the new festival season. If you are an EOFF member or donor to the hq campaign stop in. Details here.


We have raised 80% of our $6000.00 goal and we would love to walk into the meeting on Monday with it at 100%. This will show the support our community has for EOFF and other creative cultural opportunities in our downtown.

DONATE NOW! (and join us on Tuesday!)